DSL Rings is a technology that delivers Broadband Internet access at up to 400Mb/s over existing copper telecommunications networks. GTS holds patents for DSL Rings in Mexico, USA, Russia and Australia with a further 70+ related patents pending around the world. After 5 years R&D and at a cost of $6.4M, DSL Rings technology was launched in October 2012 at the Broadband World Forum in Amsterdam.
For over 125 years the topography, the 'architecture', of telephone networks has remained the same. DSL Rings changes that by combining the capabilities of three technologies, VDSL2, DSL-Bonding (G.Bond), and Resilient Packet Rings (RPR), with add-drop multiplexers (ADM) in a collector ring, rather than the conventional tree and branch architecture.
There are a number of ways of achieving 400 Mb/s over copper, however, DSL Rings is unique in being able to sustain 400 Mb/s over long distances. Competing technologies can typically only attain 400Mb/s (or less) for short distances, often at very high implementation costs.
In short, DSL Rings is a clever combination of existing standards based technologies that arrives at a truly disruptive new technology to deliver Broadband at Superfast speeds over copper telephone wires. It changes the competitive landscape for voice, video and data telecommunications by enabling the deliver of Broadband, Superfast, to rural and urban customers at a fraction of the cost and deployment time of alternatives.
For telecommunications companies it delivers something else, something that fibre alone cannot deliver, particularly in rural and semi-rural situations. It's possible, with DSL Rings, to realise a payback and a return on investment, within 2 years. As a result of the lower capital commitment of entirely demand led, but not infrastructure dependent, DSL Rings, lower price points are achievable, which in turn increases demand, customer acquisition and retention, and hence revenue from engineering and recurring charges, added value services, including video on demand, voice over IP, mobile backhaul provison and so on. DSL Rings can improve telecommunications companies' profits.
To meet booming demand for everything from M2M to streaming video, wireless operators will need smaller cells variously supporting 3G, 4G, LTE and WiFi - and lots of them. To make that migration viable they'll need ever-cheaper backhaul too. DSL Rings can provide backhaul for mobile users, and off-load congested cellular networks, support cell-sites, femtocells and picocells, and extend mobile coverage into areas where there would otherwise be none due to economic and / or planning considerations. DSL Rings can also support Wi-Max, VoIP, CCTV and CATV, automated meter reading, HD IPTV, video conferencing, video streaming and video on demand. DSL Rings supports prioritisation, QoS as well as QoE management, and can be secure and even encrypted.
DSL Rings is generally backhaul agnostic. It will work with conventional copper, over Genesis' standards-based bonded DSL technology, as well as fibre to the cabinet, providing a great alternative to fibre to the home or premise FTTH or FTTP.
DSL Rings can be deployed in rural and urban situations, requires no planning, wayleaves or trenching, and no new tools, skills or expertise. It is environmentally as well architecturally friendly, and has the potential for return on investment typically within 24 months following low cost, rapid deployment.
DSL Rings presents telcos with significant investment in copper, with a compelling and potentially irresistible proposition; a real alternative to fibre.
In Europe alone, there are over 40M people who do not have access to a basic 2 Mb/s broadband. By enabling telcos to provide high speed broadband and mobile services to customers in rural as well as urban locations, at an affordable price, DSL Rings has the potential to change the lives of millions of people through home working, cloud computing, e-commerce, distance learning, tele-medicine and access to government over the Internet.
Research by Arthur D. Little, Chalmers University of Technology and Ericsson, in 2011, suggested that doubling broadband speed for an economy increases GDP by about 0.3%, which, in the OECD region is equivalent to $126bn, i.e. more than one seventh of the average annual OECD growth rate in the last decade. Broadband availability and speed are strong drivers in an economy; for every 10% point increase in broadband penetration GDP increases by 1%. Additional doublings of speed can yield growth in excess of 0.3%, and quadrupling speed equates to 0.6% GDP stimulus. Positive effects come from more automated and simplified processes, increased productivity and better access to basic services.
IDC Research, commissioned by Microsoft, published Q1/2012, suggests that spending on public and private IT cloud services could generate nearly 14M jobs worldwide from 2015, and IT innovation created by cloud computing could produce $1.1 trillion new business revenues/annum. IT cloud services helped organisations of all sizes and vertical sectors globally generate more than $400bn revenue and 1.5M new jobs during the year.
DSL Rings is a patented, revolutionary technology that enables telcos to deliver Superfast broadband at a fraction of the cost of fibre to the home (FTTH) or premise (FTTP), and more than enough capacity for low cost triple play and quad play offers. Deployed in rural and urban situations DSL Rings can provide backhaul to extend mobile coverage. DSL Rings has the potential to close the digital divide by giving telcos increased profits and end customers the availability of a better service, often where previously there was none.
DSL Rings has the potential to help the world drag itself out of recession whilst at the same time reducing the need for lengthy commutes, and speeding global communications to some of the more outlying communities.
In 2011 GTS won, a $400,000/?250,000 SMART R&D grant from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), part of the UK Government's Department for Business Innovation and Skills, and the UK's national innovation agency with the goal to accelerate economic growth by stimulating and supporting business-led innovation.
With continued investment DSL Rings will deliver a solution to the digital divide and answer the question, how can telcos deliver Superfast Broadband economically to outlying populations, and provide them with a level of performance and quality of service comparable with urban dwellers.
If you're interested in learning more about investing in new technologies or becoming a customer, please contact me, John Evans directly at:
+44 7957 190186
Source: http://www.ecademy.com/node.php?id=181906
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