The Douglas County School Board had every right to dissolve its ties with its teacher union, but it might face a lawsuit for discrimination, a union official said on Thursday.
Brenda Smith, president of the Douglas County Federation of Teachers, said although the district no longer recognizes the teacher union, it still works with the bus driver and mechanics union.
"They are doing this because we challenged them," Smith said. "They are now picking and choosing who they want to work with."
She said the union is reviewing its options, which include taking legal action.
In addition to voting to no longer bargain with the DCFT, the school board on Wednesday night decided to no longer withhold union dues from teachers' paychecks or pay union leaders' salaries with public funds.
The Amalgamated Transit Union has collective bargaining with the district and dues are still taken from paychecks.
School board president John Carson said the board is willing to bargain with the transit union because the two entities have a good working relationship, which does not exist with the teacher union.
"The ATU respects the policy role of the board and superintendent," Carson said.
The collective bargaining agreement for the Amalgamated Transit Union was finalized this summer, about the time the teachers' contract expired.
Colorado is a local control state, which means that it is the prerogative of school districts whether they want to work with a union. Deep tension has divided the board and teachers' union for some time, as the board has pushed education reform efforts that include voucher programs for private schools and pay-for-performance models.
Carson said unions are an outdated model, which the district no longer desires.
"This union had demoralized the district and spread disinformation. They are no longer required," he said.
Kerrie Dallman, president of the Colorado Education Association, said Douglas County is an outlier in the state and nation when it comes to its relationship with the teachers' union.
"We are seeing a good trend toward district-union collaboration," Dallman said. "This is the school board that was elected ? ultra conservative."
Other districts, such a Jefferson County, work with a union and feel the relationship is one that benefits education.
Cindy Stevenson, superintendent for Jeffco schools, said while it is not easy for the two groups to agree on everything, overall, a union is valuable.
"There were years when it wasn't so pleasant," Stevenson said. "But the fighting and disagreements puts stress and strain on students' education."
Smith said the once great relationship between the union and district has almost been erased in Douglas County.
"We used to have one of the best relationships in the country and were recognized for that by the U.S. Department of Education. But all that is gone with this board and this superintendent," she said.
Ryan Parker: 303-954-2409, or
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