Whenever scientists find ways to develop highly enhanced human beings, it starts a frenzy. Mutants popping up left and right. However, only a select few manage to survive. But those select few want out. NOW.
Game Masters:
This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Trapped Forever?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Trapped Forever"
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Real knowledge
is to know the extent
of one's ignorance.
Haas33 - Member for 0 years
May I reserve Wolfy, the female shapeshifter?
tornadofan2 - Member for 0 years
I would like to suggest a power of Enhanced(Eidetic) Memory coupled with Adoptive Muscle Memory. Adoptive Muscle Memory is simply stated as you see it done, you can copy it. There are other names, but look it up. I imagine my character being quite lazy just watching movies all day. At least that would be until people found out he had been watching martial arts demostrations, and basketball games. Eidetic Memory could be a side effect. It is basically having a perfect memory(able to recall anything you have experienced perfectly) I could basically flip through books and recall everything my eyes had seen even though I didn't actually read it.
I want the character to be more of support for others because the power is quite versatile. What do you think? Is it awesome enough?
I submitted my character because I thought it might help get a better understanding of the character I want to roleplay as and help you make a decision one way or another.
Merchant - Member for 0 years
The Scope/Female/X-ray vision, night vision, and this gal can see so incredibly far away it isn't even funny. Not to mention she can shoot lasers from her eyes as she pleases. No joke. She can. She can zoom in with her eyes on objects so minute, like a spec of dust, yet so it very close up./OPEN
May I reserve? :S
I'm not mad, my reality is just different than yours.Many long for immortality but haven't a clue what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Plot Twist:
We all get off tumblr, go to bed at a decent hour, socialize and spend time with our respected friends and families
ChaosxChild13 - Member for 1 years
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